
Home is where our heart is ....

Home is where our heart is .... Our Son Neville moved into his own house on earth exactly 12 days after he was born, but he moved into his permanent home about 1 1/2 years back. God helped us move on in life by giving us a new life and new beginnings in Jakarta In my recent trip to Chennai, I got a taste of what life would have been, if God had purposed for us to stay back in Chennai. I missed Neville. God was good that I did not realize it when I was still in Chennai just after he had passed away as I was in state of shock. I realized the heaviness when I moved to Jakarta. On our journey back from our recent trip to Chennai, our flight had a lot of turbulence that we were never served hot drinks throughout the flight. This was the first time I was in a situation like this. Just as soon as food was served, the captain announced that the cabin crew return to their seats. As a family we love aircraft programs. The down side of watching the episodes of "Minutes to disaster&quo

Through the Bible with 4 chapters a day - Weekly quiz

Reading the Bible is something I love to do.  It sure can become mundane so I love to  try out new ways to  keep me challenged in reading the Bible.  This year I joined a group of  like minded people through a whatspp group. We are focused on reading the Bible four chapters a day and being accountable to each other. This page is created to have  a weekly review in the form of a quiz. Extending to others who would like to use the resources.  Week 1:Genesis 1-28 Week 2 :Genesis 29 -Exodus 6 Week 3: Exodus 7- Exodus 34 Week 4:Exodus 35 - Leviticus 22 Week 5: Leviticus 23 - Numbers 23 Week 6: Number 24- Deuteronomy 15 Week 7 -Duetronomy 16 -Joshua 9 Week 8 - Joshua 10 -Judges 17 Week 9 - Judges 18 - I Samuel 16 Week 10 - I Samuel 17 - 2 Samuel 17

Letting Go... Moving On ... Is possible

T ime sure flies. It’s my birthday again today!! Never in my life have I looked forward to   a birthday as I have this year. Being born in April has its share of good and bad. I remember my birthday always being in the middle of my exams when I was a kid. The likelihood of my birthday falling on Good Friday or Easter was very high. Birthdays were never lavish or extravagant but I guess they were significant. As a young kid in my sixth grade I still remember getting a bicycle as a birthday gift, my husband surprising me with a birthday party, a family drive to my birthday dinner with my husband and 2 sons, where we shared what we meant to each other. I have also had the joy of donating the money I got for my birthday celebrations as a teenager for a cause close to my heart and of course how can I forget how I was pick pocketed and lost my birthday allowance that was kept to treat my friends.  With so many memories I remember 2 years back it was just 2 weeks after burying my s

Because He lives I can face tomorrow

Because He lives I can face tomorrow                                                           -Bill Gaither Came across this song when I was a teenager and it was close to my heart. Now it’s closer.           God sent His son, they called Him Jesus;           He came to love, heal and forgive;           He lived and died to buy my pardon,           An empty grave is there to prove my saviour lives. When I was small I questioned life and wondered which of the many Gods is true and convinced myself that the verse of this song is true and Jesus my Saviour is "The way, The Truth and The Life."          How sweet to hold a new born baby,          And feel the pride and joy he gives,          But greater still the calm assurance;          This child can face uncertain days because He lives. I loved singing this verse and would dream of the day I would hold my own new born babe. God gave me that joy when both Nathaniel and Neville were born.  He gav

Our God Prepares, is Present with us, Preserves our faith

Today kick starts the anniversary of our final journey with Neville. What started as an self containing disease chickenpox became life threatening leukemia.  What is anniversary? 1. The annually recurring date of a past event, especially one of historical, national, or personal importance. 2. A celebration commemorating such a date. Anniversaries are joyous occasions when we thank God for what He has done in our life. What can we be thankful for when we have lost our son? Does it really make sense ? I have a choice today to either relive the painful memories God allowed in our lives or  be thankful to God for the promises and presence of God which kept us going the past one year. I choose to thank God as, yes during this difficult time we only saw God in control.   For so long I have been trying to document those promises but have failed as emotions took over. Last year when I started blogging little did I realise it was a covenant between God and me. It was li

Facing difficult situations in life...Knowing God is present with us

The journey that started on Dec 18th with Neville's leukemia ended on March 18th with Neville moving on from this earthly life of leukemia  to an eternal life of no more pain, suffering  or leukemia. The end of one journey is the beginning of another. God is now taking us through the journey of pain of losing a son. The past 5 months have been the toughest in our life. 

Facing difficult situations in life...God Prepares

I don't know where to start my previous blog was prepared at least 2 months back but it took so long to post it why?... I realized that when God wanted me to start the blog he had some plan what it was I didn't know at that time but now they have started falling into place. It was like God asking me to document what I believe and then testing me to see if I live by it. Let me start with the onset of 2012. We started the new year with God promising us saying "I will do new things for you" and  from Isaiah 55:8 which says "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.(NIV) the same verse in NLT is "My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts," says the LORD. "And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine For 2 years my husband had got about 8 to 9 offers from Indonesia. We were settled in our own house and the boys comfortable in their school and my husband had a nice job we really did