Today kick starts the anniversary of our final journey with Neville. What started as an self containing disease chickenpox became life threatening leukemia. What is anniversary? 1. The annually recurring date of a past event, especially one of historical, national, or personal importance. 2. A celebration commemorating such a date. Anniversaries are joyous occasions when we thank God for what He has done in our life. What can we be thankful for when we have lost our son? Does it really make sense ? I have a choice today to either relive the painful memories God allowed in our lives or be thankful to God for the promises and presence of God which kept us going the past one year. I choose to thank God as, yes during this difficult time we only saw God in control. For so long I have been trying to document those promises but have failed as emotions took over. Last year when I started blogging little did I realise it was a covenant between Go...