Facing difficult situations in life... Believe Myself
Believe Myself?
Should never be a problem....that's what we think.
some of us lack self confidence or are we over confident?
sounds familiar.... Yes but both are not good, Why?
When we lack self confidence we don't live to our potential and when we are over confident we live in a make belief world of our own.
I am a dark Indian girl. My dad, mum and brother are all on the fairer side. This always gave me a complex and as a young kid I never had self confidence.
It was at this time I came across this verse from the Bible
Psalm 139:13-16
For you created my inmost being;you knit me together in my mother's womb.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;Your works are wonderful ,I know that full well.My frame was not hidden from youwhen I was made in the secret place,when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.Your eyes saw my unformed body;
So the God who created me knows every part of me.
all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
And he has plans for me.
Initially this made me believe in fate.but when I believe in fate I have no control over what happens to me rather the choices I make decide what my future holds.
I cannot expect to put my hand in fire and not get burned can I say it is fate , rather it was a wrong choice. A choice I made knowing full well that if I put me hand in fire it will get burnt.
Sometimes I do put my hand in fire unknowingly again it is not fate but the mistake is losing control of oneself.That is why alcohol, drugs or anything which makes us blank out is not good for us.
Is it possible to be in control of myself at all times?
The answer is a big NO.
I need somebody who is more powerful to help me.
That is MY GOD.
"No chance at all if you think you can pull it off yourself.
Every chance in the world if you trust God to do it"- Matt 19:26(MSG)
For me to Believe in myself means
I need to accept myself
and be in control of myself
and this is possible only with the trust I have in God.
Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities!without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
Norman Vincent Peale
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent
Eleanor Roosevelt
It's not who you are that holds you back,it's who you think you're not
I would like to end with a personal story.When I was in school being low on self confidence. I fell to the pranks of my classmates and was to go and sing on stage for a fun singing competition.When my name was announced I just wanted the ground to swallow me. I even refused to get up from my seat. With all my teachers and school mates looking the compere kept encouraging me to just come in front. I did not move. Few months latter the compere met my parents, he mentioned the incident saying your daughter was pink tough she is dark.
Few years later when I went to college I was asked to speak at the evening chapel to my fellow hostel mates. I told God I will speak if you promise to speak through me and lo He did because I could not believe myself. That night I made a vow to God saying anybody asks me to speak I will take it as a sign from you and will accept it but you will have to give me the thoughts and ideas. From then on I spoke quite regularly in our evening chapel, was nominated all 3 years to deliver the message at special year services. From my college circle every time I got an opportunity it was bigger, that is more people and an unlikely place for example I thought God will use me only in religious set up NO I was asked to speak in a Hospital , to corporate women in a garment company,
Few years later when I went to college I was asked to speak at the evening chapel to my fellow hostel mates. I told God I will speak if you promise to speak through me and lo He did because I could not believe myself. That night I made a vow to God saying anybody asks me to speak I will take it as a sign from you and will accept it but you will have to give me the thoughts and ideas. From then on I spoke quite regularly in our evening chapel, was nominated all 3 years to deliver the message at special year services. From my college circle every time I got an opportunity it was bigger, that is more people and an unlikely place for example I thought God will use me only in religious set up NO I was asked to speak in a Hospital , to corporate women in a garment company,
teenagers , young professionals. I thought I would have a break when I moved countries but God opened a door to speak about my country India to about 400 kids in a school (not where my kid's study)as part of their UN celebrations.
That is God in me.
So if you are reading this thinking it worked for you but not for me just Believe We can believe in ourselves only when we have the right relationship with our maker.I would also like to mention that many a times we have a spiritual me when we are at church and other religious meeting places and a secular me which is what I am at home and at the mall. To give an example a spiritual me is very serene, calm and lovable but the secular me is always irritated and short tempered. It would not work. Imagine you just abused somebody who you thought was a bad driver and found him to be your pastor.
I would encourage to be the same everywhere.
It's okay to be short tempered at church at least God can change you and others can pray for you
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