Because He lives I can face tomorrow
He lives I can face tomorrow
Came across this song when I was a
teenager and it was close to my heart. Now it’s closer.
sent His son, they called Him Jesus;
came to love, heal and forgive;
lived and died to buy my pardon,
empty grave is there to prove my saviour lives.
When I was small I questioned life and
wondered which of the many Gods is true and convinced myself that the verse of this song is
true and Jesus my Saviour is "The way, The Truth and The Life."
sweet to hold a new born baby,
feel the pride and joy he gives,
greater still the calm assurance;
This child can face
uncertain days because He lives.
I loved singing this verse and would
dream of the day I would hold my own new born babe. God gave me that joy when
both Nathaniel and Neville were born. He gave me the calm assurance even as
we embarked on the journey with Neville’s sickness and his death and eventually
life without Neville. It is with this same calm assurance we started the journey that God would be with Nathaniel who was to carry on in life without his brother and buddy and Nathaniel can face uncertain days because He lives.
then one day, I’ll cross the river,
fight life’s final war with pain;
then, as death gives way to victory,
see the lights of glory and I’ll know He lives
From the day I knew I was conceived both with Nathaniel and Neville I always prayed saying Lord these are your children and help me to point them towards you. For Neville the journey of life is over and in the last 3 months he was alive, he gave us enough evidence, that he had a personal relationship with Christ. As a 7 year old he had to get right with God. Happy today that Neville is with the Lord. This is the hope I live with every day.
The world and all its troubles are temporary. There is a fixed period to life
on earth which ends with the death. Just as death was temporary for Christ and
it could not hold Him, I am given the same gift, as I believe in Christ and am
willing, to live a life He is pleased with, however difficult the path is. This
relationship is between God and me. The beauty about Christ is that anybody can
have this relationship. It is beyond religion, caste, creed and colour. The
only criterion is that we accept Him wholeheartedly and journey with Him
through life’s difficulties and Joys.
This is the same hope which makes me believe that I will see my son in
eternity and just as Christ was raised on the third day, those who died believing
Him will rise up, and those living trusting Him would be transformed on the
last day and we would live together in eternity.
So as I buried Neville and was going
home I was wondering what life would be without Neville and dreaded to even
imagine it, there was also a sense of fulfilment that Neville was safe in the
arms of Jesus. I also realised that I did not lose my motherhood because I lost
Neville and that God had still given me a lovely 9 year old Nathaniel and he was
alive and I wanted to make life memorable and happy for him.
Life without Neville has been tough. It was a rollercoaster ride of emotions shock, fear, uncertainties, joy and happiness too.
For me grief is letting go of an irreplaceable loss and finding a reason to live after that. Thankful, that I found my reason in Christ. Now I can say “Because He lives I can face tomorrow”
Was encouraged to hear the story of this song
Akka so blessed by your blog merilyn